Daily Recipe Find – Crockpot Chicken with Apple and Sweet Potato

We just had our annual apple festival in a nearby town, so of course I have a bunch of apples to start processing.  It makes for a few days of work so an easy crock pot dinner is defiantly helpful.  Throw it all in, then I can work on processing all day and not have to stop mid way through to cook dinner.  And with all the apples around a recipe with apples is always a plus.  I am going to cook down some apples in a pot with a little bit of cinnamon then puree for a quick applesauce for this crock pot meal.  The flavors will blend well in the crock pot, so I don’t need a long simmer on the apples to blend the spices, the crockpot will do that through the day.   Enjoy.

Recipe Here:  Crockpot Chicken with Apple and Sweet Potato

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