Photo Friday – February 26th – Garden clean up

Happy Photo Friday to you!

It was a mixture of pictures this week.  And with some wonderful weather I finally got my garden taken down from last year.  Although it worked out that I didn’t get it taken down since when we had a big snow the deer hopped into the yard and ate all of the leaves from my tomato plants.  It gave them something to eat, and it wasn’t as messy for me to clean up.

The start of the day, the garden full of old plants.

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The end of the day, cleaned out garden.  Now I just need to get some nutri-mulch for the planting areas, and spread the regular mulch on the walking areas to keep down the weeds.  Getting more and more excited.

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Working in the garden, seeing more bees around.  I look out to the bird feeder and they are everywhere all around it.

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To finish off my photo Friday a moon picture.  It was still light out, small wispy clouds as it came up behind the mountain.

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Enjoy the fun, and have a good weekend.


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