Smiles And Trials And Hormonal Crazy of the Day 03/04/2020

Smiles – A few days ago I felt like I conquered our bathroom sink leak. Purchased new seals, springs and fittings and yeah.. whatever they are called.  Basically the core under the fancy top part handle and fixed the leak.

Trials – Today I hear a yell from the bathroom from my child, I hear a noise I shouldn’t hear.. like a waterfall.  Now I am more concerened, I move around the corner and the bathroom sink is like Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park.  The pressure in the faucet blew off the handle and is shooting water up to the ceiling and all over the bathroom.  So I turn off the water, clean up the floor and I will re-group tomorrow and figure out how to not make this happen again.

Hormonal Crazy – This situation most certainly is a trigger in my normal hormonal variations. Saying “normal” in that sentence truly doesn’t mix.  I don’t want it to be normal, yet being 50 it is normal.  Simple situations bring me to a breakdown at certain times.  This bigger issue, when a sink has become not functionable isn’t a simple issue, unlike…   did I turn off the TV correctly and break down, did I overcook the eggs and break down. I didn’t fix the sink properly.. break down.  All of these truly are simple issues, and easily fixed.  It has taken me several years to notice my cycles and when I break down that it isn’t that I am crazy, my hormones are trying to take control.  Once I realized that I feel better.  I still break down, although I know it is only a hormonal surge, cry, take a few deep breaths, turn up some music and take back control.

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